"In a Universe of motion where all forms are changing continuously, there is only one truth that is perpetual and continuous throughout all forms and manifestations. Everything is relative except Love, the first principal of all things regardless of what kind of vehicle life may manifest through"
“When one holds enough Love, God gives him the Tree of Life, and problems melt before him. Anger, selfishness, disease --all dissolve when exposed to Love. No negative action or force could break through the walls of one who possesses enough Love.”
“The will, desire, or alchemical formulas can have no effect on building the Tree of Life or stopping it from growing. The first exercise in this book is activating the centers of the body and balancing the faculties -- this builds the roots of the Tree of Life. Their quality and strength of character and balance determine whether one will have the Tree of Life.”
“The Tree we build within our bodies is the roots of the Tree of Life. These roots are built of a substance extracted from light. The tools used to create these roots are balanced breathing in moderation, positive constructive thinking in terms as broad as your consciousness can conceive, the proper rest, the proper eating, and balance and moderation in all things.”
“No matter how small or large you are, if your branches reach the highest heavens, if you get too big or too small to serve the Creator of the universe and His creations, your tree will be trimmed or cut down; and, if necessary, the very roots will be burned.”
“When the great teacher or workman comes to your temple, you and he finish the strange work within you and build the great temple of Solomon within the body. Also you will have the Tree of Life with its twelve fruit, for the Tree you are using is the roots of the Tree of Life. It is not only Solomon's great temple that you build, it is the inner temple of which all religions speak.”
“The scientific way is to balance all the faculties or glands of the body by unfolding them in balance. You have then accomplished the exploration of God, you, and the universe within your own body.”
“When the conscious and subconscious operations of the body are understood to a relative degree and balance is maintained in the faculties, you will walk in the temple of your body with your own teacher -- once he comes, he will never leave you. You will lead and he will direct in the finishing of your great temple. There is nothing this teacher does not know -- but you must lead, he only directs.”
“When one holds enough Love, God gives him the Tree of Life, and problems melt before him. Anger, selfishness, disease --all dissolve when exposed to Love. No negative action or force could break through the walls of one who possesses enough Love.”
True, there is but one God and one law -- but that law is divided into many branches and manifestations and anyone can go out on a branch and spend their lifetime there and not perfect the particular science attributed to that branch regardless of how far they are developed scientifically or spiritually. Many times throughout our civilization spiritually developed people were ahead of science. Now it seems as if science is ahead of religion.
“The ruling principle of this universe is fair. It does not lean over backward to give you anything, but you pay as you go -- every second, every minute of your life. Whatever you do for God's creation will return ten times in wisdom, health, happiness, and material substance -- providing your motive is for the survival of things other than yourself.”
“All the universe operates through law; the same law applies to all, whether the largest planet or an atom at the bottom of the sea. The laws of pattern and symbolism are one and the same.”
“Everything you create comes back to you. If it is good, you do not have to hide; if it isn't good, the laws of cause and effect can find you if you dig a mile into the earth and build a room and seal the entrance.”
“Every science, every faculty, every action of the body, every action of the universe, every action of God works through law. When one knows the law, he obeys the law. One may say he knows the law; but if he does not manifest it, he does not know it. A peculiar science called alchemy works through man if these lessons are followed.”
“The law of pattern is so simple, yet builds itself into such complexities, that it looks to us like confusion. But that law makes no mistakes. It places each atom or thing right where it belongs. Each accident or catastrophe has its unseen counterpart that has been built through the law of cause and effect, and the tools used were thoughts, actions, and deeds.”
"Everything that happens to you is timed to the fraction of a second by the sum total of your actions and deeds. Anyone makes a smooth road or a rough road for himself. When you have served your purpose in a given pattern, there is a repulsion from that pattern, which activates the mind, swinging the thought processes into the direction desired by the soul pattern, and you find a relative satisfaction that you did not find in the former pattern.”
“The soul is the sum total of evolutions and experiences for millions of years and carries said experiences in its four vortices of force. The soul hovers around the mother until the baby takes its first breath; then the child becomes a living soul. Until the first breath is taken the soul can not enter the body.”
“Every thought has a positive and negative pole, also a center of balance. Many complexes prevail in any unbalanced person -- their timing is unbalanced, their sentences show extremes, their emotions are upset, they are not sure of themselves, they seldom ever finish anything they start. Balance is a terrific asset to possess. There is no limit to development if balance is correct.”
“Intellectually, no man can scratch the surface of the inner teachings within himself. Anyone, by doing these exercises, regardless of his education, if the patterns and rules are followed relatively, can have wisdom which is relative understanding of all things in heaven and earth.”
“Spirit is in everything alike in the universe. Every atom in the universe has the spirit of God in it. There is no space or vacuum. A tree, rock, man, or an archangel has the same spirit within him. The soul of God or the body of God encompasses the whole universe.”
“When you are in balance you have control of every situation that may confront you. Everyone thinks they are in balance. Insane people believe they are right and everyone else is wrong. The reason for that, is that no one can see where they are -- their pattern is not visible to them. The only way they can see it, is to reach another pattern; then look back and see the pattern they were in.”
“Within your body is a mind capable of living your entire life span in one minute, experiencing every emotion, thought, action, and deed that you have encountered on earth.”
“The Millennium will not tolerate the laggard or those who try to place the responsibility on organizations or physical powers. Man is being quickened now and the quickening processes are being intensified as each being is getting more understanding. The intensifying is being increased, not consciously by any individual, but by the combined total of wisdom released which creates a terrific pressure on the souls of man.”
“Every science, every faculty, every action of the body, every action of the universe, every action of God works through law. When one knows the law, he obeys the law. One may say he knows the law; but if he does not manifest it, he does not know it. A peculiar science called alchemy works through man if these lessons are followed.”
“If a person can not master their own body, how could they even expect to master metaphysical faculties. To put wisdom into a weak body would be like trying to carry water in a container that is full of holes.”